Adventure and opportunity team

The county adventure and opportunity team encompasses the following individuals:

Catherine Farman

County Commonwealth award lead volunteer

Provides advice and support to both those undertaking the Commonwealth award and their local leadership team

Rebecca Abrams

County Queen’s Guide award coordination lead volunteer

Advises and supports young members working towards the Queen’s Guide award.

Katie Wright

County Duke of Edinburgh's Award lead volunteer

Advises and supports Rangers working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award. Organises and runs Bronze and Silver Award practice and qualifying expeditions.

Successor being sought

Bethany Eaton

County Ranger lead volunteer

Advises and supports Ranger unit leaders within the county and encourages the transition from Guides to Rangers.

Liz Pinnington

County outdoor lead volunteer

Coordinates the outdoor team, organises and supports outdoor events and trainings, liaising with other advisers, and promoting an enthusiasm for the outdoors.

Liz Pinnington

County residential lead volunteer - outdoor

Specialises in overnight camping experiences and outdoor residential offerings to our young members.

Position open

County walking administration volunteer

Provides administrative support to the county walking team

Karen Latto

County residential lead volunteer - indoor

Supports volunteers with their going away with licences and promotes and encourages all aspects of residentials.

Megan Nicolson

County youth opportunities lead volunteer

Promotes opportunities aimed at young members (aged 13 – 18) and the adult leaders who support them.

Elizabeth Pavlik

County assistant international lead volunteer

Supports the county international lead volunteer with promoting and organising international trips.

Katie Orger

County international administration volunteer

Provides administrative support to the international team.

Victoria Rushant

County international lead volunteer

Promotes and supports international opportunities and organises international trips.

Grace Bantin

County walking lead volunteer

Leads the walking team, promoting all forms of walking activities from geocaching to mountaineering. Supports members undertaking walking scheme training and advises on social walking events.

County level volunteer vacancies can be found on the vacancies webpage