Bookings now closed.
Taking place on Saturday 8 March at Howe Dell School in Hatfield, why not come along to this free county network and development day.
Spaces for each session are on a first come, first serve, booking basis and limited.
This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people and to exchange ideas whilst building upon your Girlguiding knowledge and skills. A day of fun, reuniting with others from across the county, and making new connections.
Open to all Girlguiding Hertfordshire volunteers (aged 18+).
The day will commence with welcome and registration at 9.15am and conclude at 4.15pm after a half hour round up, thank you and goodbyes.
16* bookable sessions will be running throughout the day, split over 4 timeslots, so why not come along to 4 sessions, or less, depending upon availability and what takes your interest.
Sessions are as follows:
A market place will be available throughout the day where you can visit stalls and chat to the following people and teams:
Hitchin depot, HGC merchandise, Gaddesden Row Guide Centre, county badges, Inspire, inclusion, leader development programme (LDP), growth and retention, mentors, residentials, GO queries, international, Queen’s Guide award, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Sangram trip charity stall and the outdoors team including ITTH team.
Parking is available on site but limited so please car share where possible.
Uniform to be worn, if applicable.
Whilst tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided you will need to bring your own packed lunch if staying for the day.
Any queries please contact the county training administration lead volunteer
*Please ensure that you only book 1 option from each time session i.e. one session 1, one session 2, one session 3 and one session 4, to ensure you don’t double book yourself. You can choose how many sessions you attend, up to a maximum of 4, subject to availability.
Should you need to cancel any of your booked sessions please request this by contacting [email protected] or [email protected] as soon as possible so as to open up the space for someone else.