To celebrate the seventy years of the Queen’s reign, beacons will be lit all over the country. On the theme of fire, you might like to:
Campfire songs
Sing some songs at your campfire, here are some suggestions
- We would love to know your favourite campfire songs, send us yours
Hold a camp fire
You could have a campfire in your unit or at home in your garden.
Have a look at the Girlguiding website for a risk assessment checklist
Girlguiding have produced a couple of virtual campfires during the pandemic
Learn to light a fire
Have a go at lighting a fire. Make sure that you have an adult with you if you are a young person and consider the dangers such as:
- Have a bucket of water nearby to put out the fire if something goes wrong or to nurse a burn
- Tie long hair back
- Don’t wear baggy clothing or have chords hanging into the fire
- Remove any trip hazards near the fire
- Make sure you are not by overhanging trees or bushes, or long grass
- Make sure the ground is not very dry grass
- Keep flammable things away from the fire
Some useful tips on building a successful campfire
Can you have a go at other ways of lighting a fire, rather than just using matches?
Make some campfire snacks
We all love to make some snacks to eat around a campfire, here are some ideas
— What is your favourite campfire treat? Share your recipe
Campfire sketch/skit
Campfires often have entertainment as well as singing. Small groups of guides and scouts put perform a little play or act out a joke. These are called a sketch or skit. Why not have a go at acting out one, here are some ideas: Campfire sketches (11th Nuneaton Scout Troop)
Can you write your own skit? This website helps you create one: How to put on campfire skits
Camp blanket
In guiding we get lots of badges for all sorts of reasons: we earn them for completing challenges, we have celebrations badges and we have friendship and group badges. A popular idea is to sew badges onto a blanket which is then used to keep you warm at a camp or a campfire. Do you have a camp blanket? Have you got a pile of badges that are waiting to be sewn on? Why not start a camp blanket?
- Share photos of your blanket or tell us about your favourite badge: where did you get it? why? why do you love it so much?