Membership system updates 2025

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January 2025

Young leader roles – automatic change on turning 18

Young leader roles are now being automatically changed to unit helper when they turn 18.

They will need to complete the usual recruitment checks: a DBS, safer guiding training, if not already completed, and have a letter of commendation approved in place of references.

Commissioners - safer guiding/safe space level 3 for units

Please note that a unit must still have someone who has either a safe space level 3 or has completed the new safer guiding training, at each meeting.

Please be aware that the safer guiding ribbon on someone’s record will say safer guiding is complete even if they previously only completed a safe space level 1 and 2. For the moment we are reliant on HQ/region letting county know of any units that are non-compliant and will then pass this information on to commissioners, after checking ‘courses’ in individual records. HQ are working on the report that commissioners will eventually be able to see for themselves.