Membership system updates 2023

Email membership systems for support on [email protected]

December 2023

Email Membership Systems for support on [email protected] only.

Compliance lists

Compliance lists are received regularly from HQ via region, roughly every 2 weeks. These are lists of people who have failed to complete their a safe space or DBS within the time allowed and are now in the process of having their membership removed or refused.

On receipt of the list, emails are sent to dcs/main contacts and division commissioners for action. There is usually a short grace period (around 10 days) in which to complete the requirements. Please be aware that anyone on a current list is regarded as non-compliant. They should not attend any meetings until they have completed the a safe space training(s) and/or DBS required.

New enquiries/leader in training roles

Please be aware that the leader in training (LiT) role should not be used for any new enquiries, a unit helper role should be used initially. This is because the LiT role now requires the initial stages of enrolment on the ‘Becoming a Leader’ course to be completed. before it can be added to GO.

November 2023

Email address for Membership Systems Support

Please only use the [email protected] email address for Membership Systems queries. Emails to this address will be given priority over any sent to a personal guiding email address.

Leadership qualifications (LQs), LQ mentor roles and leader development programme (LDP) mentor roles

The old LQ has just a few people left awaiting 1st response courses and the LQ mentor has their books. All other LQs and modules in progress will be marked as abandoned.

There are two new e-learnings for those wishing to change sections or completing the equivalent of the old Module 4 to become a Leader (where modules 1-3 are already held).

This means that the old LQ mentor roles are now at an end and are gradually being removed. Where people have agreed to continue, they will be replaced with the new LDP mentor role.

A safe space level 2, my role - stuck on 12%

There are a lot of instances where people are getting stuck after watching the video in the first section, my role, of a safe space level 2. The section shows as 12% and people cannot access anything after the video. Unfortunately, this is something that cannot be fixed locally and you will need to contact membership systems at HQ to get this resolved. You can do this by phoning them on 0207 834 6242 or emailing [email protected]

October 2023

Email address for Membership Systems Support

Please use the [email protected] email address for all Membership Systems queries. Emails to this address will be given priority over any addressed to the county membership systems coordinator’s personal email address.

Leadership qualification (LQ) withdrawn

The leadership qualification (LQ) has now come to an end and has been replaced by the leader development programme (LDP). All outstanding LQ workbooks should have already been submitted to the county leadership qualification verifier for verification.

Assistant leader roles where volunteer holds LQ module 4 being changed to leader

Assistant leader roles, where the volunteer holds LQ module 4 are being gradually changed to leader, in line with HQ requirements. It would help greatly if DC’s could check and change these themselves, especially for any newly qualified leaders or those who have added a mod 4.

Change to process for adding external first aid qualifications

A new process for verification of an external first aid qualification is being introduced. Decisions will now be made at region level, not at county. Please continue to submit these to the county office as usual, with evidence of certificate and syllabus followed. They will then be sent to a verifier at region who will check the evidence against criteria, and make a decision, requesting further information if necessary. The verifier will then share their decision with county and ask for any favourable decision to be uploaded to GO once elearning has also been completed.

September 2023

Email address for Membership systems support

Please only use the [email protected] email address for Membership Systems queries. Emails to this address are given priority.


If a signatory doesn’t have any other role in Girlguiding, you should record them on GO as an administrator at the appropriate level. They must have a DBS and safe space level 1.

See the Girlguiding Finance Policy at

Time Limits for enquirers to complete recruitment checks

Please be aware that the time limits for enquirers to complete recruitment checks are the same as for an existing volunteer renewing their DBS or safe space training. These time limits are enforced by HQ and can result in membership being refused if not completed within the 120 day limit. Please do not let people linger in awaiting recruitment checks, as being chased for these checks is not a great experience for anyone, let alone a new enquirer.

Please also be aware that an enquirer can only visit a unit up to 4 times before they start their checks. In addition, during these visits:

  • A leader or assistant leader (who has completed their recruitment and vetting process and has an up-to-date disclosure check with Girlguiding) must always supervise them. They must not be left alone with young members.
  • The enquirer must have read and agreed to follow our unit safeguarding guidelines.
  • Their recruitment checks must be started. ‘Started’ means references have been requested and, if needed for their role, they’ve submitted their application for a disclosure check.

LQ should be completed by end of September

The Leadership Qualification (LQ) comes to an end, at the end of September. If 1st response is still outstanding, or the mentee has not yet turned 18, an extension may be allowed for this. Everything else must be completed. Safe space 14-17 will be accepted for young leaders, in place of safe space 1 and 2.

July 2023

Old leadership qualification (LQ) – IMPORTANT

Any modules for the old LQ should be completed by the end of September, including extra mod 1s and 4s for people changing section or from assistant leaders to leaders. Please submit these as soon as possible to allow time for the verification stage at county level.

In certain circumstances HQ may allow an extension to the end of the year. After September 2023 we are told that there will be a top-up learning launched for assistant leaders who want to move into a leader role.

Old LQ and young leaders

Young leaders working on the old LQ, who have not turned 18 by the end of September and have therefore not completed modules that need them to have turned 18 and made their Girlguiding promise, can send evidence of these to HQ who will add them to their record.

A safe space training not synched in June

Some a safe space training courses were not synched to GO from the learning platform in early June. HQ have been working hard and these should all now have been updated. Please check your records to make sure they reflect your training.

A safe space level 3 renewal elearning launched

A safe space level 3 has been amended and a new elearning renewal course can now be completed on the learning platform, which only takes 30 minutes to complete. Attendance at a webinar or face to face session is no longer necessary for renewals. Hopefully this will make it a lot easier to complete.

June 2023

A safe space training

Some records are still being impacted by the ‘MOT- style’ dates not working. If you have completed a safe space training within the compliance window, some records do not show properly as continuing from the previous expiry date. Please check your record and if the dates of the safe space trainings do not follow on from each other, please let me know.

Emergency contact report

The emergency contact report now generates in fewer pages and is easier to view. The report appears as a password-protected PDF which downloads onto your device or desktop. The temporary password will show on screen once your report has downloaded.

Going Away With (GAW) – a safe space level 3

If you’re a GAW licence holder and you’re planning to take girls away, please remember you’ll need a safe space level 3. If you’ve already done the course, please check that it’s up to date. You can do this through the learning platform or GO.

Confusion over 180-day compliance window

There appears to be some confusion over the extension of the compliance window to 180 days. This only applies to a safe space level 3, not to other a safe space levels or DBS.

Updated help document for GO and Learning Platform logins

Please read the updated version of the help document for setting up logins to GO and the Learning Platform. Pass this on to anyone struggling with these.

Updated instructions for setting up Go and Learning Platform access

Please use the [email protected] email address for all Membership Systems queries.

May 2023

Leader Development Programme/Leadership Qualification – appointment of mentors

Sally Settle is now handling the appointment of mentors for the LDP. You should contact Sally on her [email protected] email address. Maureen Kell will continue to appoint mentors for the LQ until it comes to an end in September

LQ ends in September

Anybody doing the current LQ or wishing to add extra Mod 1s and Mod 4s, must complete by end of August to allow time for these to be verified and added to GO. So far, there is no know mechanism being offered to complete these modules after the cut off date for the LQ. Anyone who has not completed their LQ in time will be required to transfer to the Leader Development Programme (LDP) and will start from scratch.

Volunteer Enquiries – reminder of 120-day compliance window for recruitment checks

Volunteer enquirers have 120 days to complete the recruitment checks once they have been moved into the Awaiting Recruitment Checks area in Volunteer Enquiries. It is suggested that you do not move enquiries into Awaiting Recruitment Checks until you/they are ready to do their DBS and add referees. Moving them into this area of enquiries starts the clock ticking to get the recruitment checks done. Too many enquiries are falling foul of compliance due to not getting them completed in the 4-month time frame allowed.

Safe Space Level 3 -180-day compliance window introduced

The compliance window for the completion of Safe Space Level 3 (SSL3) has been extended to start 180 days before expiry of any existing SSL3 or from the point at which it becomes required for your role. Hopefully this will allow people a better chance to be able to book on to a webinar in good time. Please remember that, even if you complete the training before a previous expiry date, it will still run from that expiry date and you will not lose any time.

Individual Details Report – withdrawal of full unit request

The ability to run the individual details report for a whole unit has been removed, as parents or carers can now log into GO and update their and their child’s information. This change reduces the risk of data sharing and encourages the parent or carer to take responsibility for their own data. The unit leader will be notified if they make any changes.

Events - changes to GO navigation for events/RENs

Everything you need to plan events and submit residential event notification (REN) forms can now be found under the ‘Events’ tab at the top of GO’s main page. Instructions on how to complete a REN form as an event organiser can be found in the Help Zone.

Leader Development Programme webinars - compulsory webinars now being offered by Anglia region

Girlguiding Anglia are now delivering a trial set of the 5 compulsory LDP webinars on their own pages on the Learning platform. The first session was on April 17 and hopefully be other sessions if the trial is successful. Participants should book as soon as possible as they’ll be open to Anglia members only for the first week and then open to anyone across the UK.

April 2023

Young volunteers and a safe space training – change to role status

From 11 April, all young volunteer roles will become active. Volunteers under 18-years-old will still need to complete the appropriate safe space training but Girlguiding have updated GO so that a young volunteer’s role will be active, instead of active-pending, even if they haven’t yet completed the training.

Commissioners will be able to find out which young volunteers still need to complete their training through a new option on the safe practice tab in GO. It is still advisable for them to complete their training, but this can happen at a pace that suits them. If a young volunteer is attending a residential event, they must complete the training.

New and updated resources in GO 

Many help files and videos have been updated in the GO help zone. Please use these before contacting membership support.

The web pages parent and carers’ guide to GO and using GO for volunteers have been updated. Links to these pages can be found on the GO login web page.

An improvements, features and bug fixing area has been added to GO. Here you will be able to see details of any changes or new features in GO and details about any known bugs or technical issues currently being fixed. Find this by selecting “Help” in the tabs across the top of the page, once you have logged in .

GO screenshot of help menu

March 2023

Mentors/DCs/Leaders in Training - Current LQ Completions using the workbook

Please make sure that when completions for the ‘old’ LQ are submitted that training for 1st Response and Safe Space are all valid. We will not be able to add a completed LQ unless these are in place. All completions need to be submitted by the end of August to allow time for the county verification process to be completed before the cut-off date. Anyone not completing the LQ before the hard cut-off date in August/September will need to start on the new LDP from scratch.

Safe Space training with 13-year-olds

Please be aware that even if a 13-year-old has completed the Safe Space designed for them, they will need to complete the 14-17 year old training on turning 14.

Learning Platform/GO not synced for some older training

Some training that was delayed in being added to the Learning Platform has not synced correctly with GO because the completion date was in the past. The date on the Learning Platform is correct but the one on GO may be incorrect and you may find that you are still appearing on the compliance lists. Please do let [email protected] know if you are aware of anything like this, so that they can collate the information to be passed to HQ and your record updated.

February 2023

LQ/LDP – Transition Dates


All new Leaders in Training must first complete the initial stages of the Leadership Development Programme (LDP) and enrol on the ‘Becoming A Leader’ course before a Leader in Training role can be entered for them. They should notify their district commissioner when they have reached this stage so that the role can be added. When their Leader in Training role has been added, they should go back into the Learning Platform to unlock the course. At this point they will appear on the Leader in Training Coordinator’s list of people needing a mentor. The county Leader in Training Coordinator will appoint a mentor who should contact their mentee within 2 weeks.

August/September 2023

All those currently registered as Leaders in Training and following the old Leadership Qualification syllabus must complete by mid-September, allowing enough time for the county verification process to be completed by the end of September. Please do not leave this until the last minute!

End of 2023

The assistant leader role will become obsolete except for special circumstances. Wherever possible, assistant leaders need to have completed Module 4 of the LQ and their role changed to leader. This does not mean that they will be expected to take on any extra duties.

January 2024

Assistant leader role will only be able to be added by HQ under special circumstances. There may be a training provided for those assistant leaders who have not yet completed Module 4 and wish to transition to leader but this is not yet definite and is under review.

LQ Module 4 – Clarification

LQ Module 4 is not section based and does not need to be repeated if a leader moves to or takes on, another section.

Assistant leader roles where Module 4 is already completed, to be changed to leader

At some point within the transition period assistant leader roles, where the person has already completed Module 4, will be changed to leader. Commissioners (in Hertfordshire) will be consulted beforehand to ensure that this is appropriate.

Subscriptions - Check that people are in the correct roles

At this time of year with subscriptions process in full swing, it is a good time to review people’s roles:

  • Are they fulfilling the job description?
  • Are they accruing service when in reality they shouldn’t?
  • Is this the most suitable role?

If the answer to any of these questions is No, then you should consider discussing a more appropriate role.

Links to the role tables showing what each requires in terms of DBS, Safe Space, Membership and whether or not they accrue service (when the volunteer is also a member) can be found towards the bottom of Girlguiding’s Recruitment and Vetting Procedure webpage:

January 2023

Happy New Year!

Ongoing Changes to LQ in 2023

For anyone currently enrolled on the LQ - it must be completed and verified by September 2023. Please do not leave it until the last minute and please leave time for the county verification process to take place. Please complete Module 4 wherever possible as the Assistant Leader role will no longer be available after 2023 – see below.

Assistant Leader Roles – Beyond 2023

We are now entering the last phase of the transition from the ‘old’ Leadership Qualification to the new Leader Development Programme. The new Leader Development Programme does not distinguish between leaders and assistant leaders and the assistant leader role will no longer be available for general use beyond 2023. It may be added by HQ under special circumstances.

We are therefore being asked to encourage anyone who currently holds the assistant leader role to complete Module 4 of the Leadership Qualification to become Leaders. This does not mean that they will be expected to take on any extra responsibilities within their unit and should they choose not to complete Module 4 they will keep their assistant leader role but, should they step down from it and wish to return later, this role would not be available.

It is unclear what will be required if an assistant leader wishes to become a leader after the cut-off date of end of 2023. HQ are considering what could be put in place to enable this but it may mean starting from scratch on the Leader Development Programme.

Mod 4 – LQ Form

A form is not needed for this but do please let Maureen Kell and/or Sheila know so that a mentor can be appointed.

Subscriptions – Which roles do not attract subscriptions

Subscriptions are based on membership status, not on what role a person holds. Subscriptions are payable for all individuals whose membership status is set to ‘Member’. Most roles have mandatory membership and membership status will be set automatically to ‘Member’; GO will not allow any change to the status.

If membership status is set to ‘Recognised Volunteer’ subscriptions will not be payable. Membership status can be found and changed in the Membership Details section of someone’s record.

There are now only a few roles which have optional membership and will allow membership status to be set to ‘Recognised Volunteer’. These are:


  • Individual Support Unit Helper
  • Unit Administrator
  • Young External Volunteer


  • District Helper
  • District Treasurer


  • Division Helper
  • Division Treasurer

Do please bear in mind that all these roles do require a DBS and at least Safe Space Level 1.

Please see the roles tables for full details of what checks/conditions apply to which roles. Links to the tables can be found towards the bottom of this page: