County growth and retention team opportunities

by the County Office

We are looking for creative and passionate individuals to join the new county growth and retention team.

The team will work together to generate ideas on how to grow guiding in Hertfordshire county, and the best way to share them to reach the widest audience.

Team meetings will take place approximately once a term, mostly online, but some face to face.

If you would like to know more or want to be part of this new team please email [email protected].

About Girlguiding Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire is a wonderful guiding County of over 9,000 members. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, and volunteers who enable every young member to develop their potential and be their best.

Find out how you can get involved

Want to join us? Register your daughter to join Girlguiding, or find out how you could become a volunteer here.