Paralympic medallist - Mari Akhurst, former 2nd Radlett Guide

by the County Office

Congratulations to Mari Akhurst, a former member of 2nd Radlett Guides, who has recently won a bronze medal at the Paralympics!

Mari on her horse, Athene

We’ve interviewed Mari about her experience as a Paralympian and her previous time as a Guide.

How and when did you get involved in horse riding?

I started riding when I was 3 years old as my physiotherapist at that time decided it would be a good form of therapy for me. I started off with a leader and two side helpers, as just sitting up on the horse was a challenge. But before I knew it I was off the lead rein and doing my first dressage tests.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

It has to be becoming a Paralympian and winning a Paralympic bronze medal. In London 2012 I sat in the stands watching the Para Dressage and said that would be me; 12 years later my dream came true.

What did competing at the Paralympics mean to you?

Competing at the Paralympics was incredible, and a dream come true. It’s still sinking in that I am now a Paralympian. It just shows that no matter what is thrown at you, with the right team around you and of course my incredible dancing partner Athene and her owner Di, that anything is possible.

What did you enjoy most about being a Guide?

Mari in her Guiding uniform I really enjoyed my time as a Guide having been a Brownie before. I really enjoyed making friends and doing things for the first time, such as first sleepover and first camp experience. I earned so many badges that we ended up putting them all onto a blanket and I’ve still got it - such wonderful memories!

What did you learn at Guides that has benefited you when competing at the Paralympics?

How to work together as a team; team skills. Being able to give everybody in my team a role, which meant that we were all able to work really well together and that allowed me and my trainer to focus on our training and then performance in the arena.

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