Trooping of the Colour 2025

by county admin

After the success of previous years, we are looking for adult volunteers who would be interested in attending Trooping the Colour and leading a small group of young members*.

This year’s events are taking place on Saturday 7 June and Saturday 14 June

As guests of Herts Youth United you will have prime view of the proceedings from the Horse Guards’ junction with The Mall within the Uniformed Youth Groups secure enclosure.

Closing date Tuesday 11 March

Register your interest here

*Once the number of adult spaces have been finalised we will advertise young members spaces so keep a look out.

About Girlguiding Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire is a wonderful guiding County of over 9,000 members. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, and volunteers who enable every young member to develop their potential and be their best.

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Want to join us? Register your daughter to join Girlguiding, or find out how you could become a volunteer here.