Forward 2025

by County admin

Forward 2025 has been postponed from Saturday 8 March and will now be taking place on Saturday 3 May 2025. Any teams currently holding a place should email [email protected] with the subject FORWARD 2025 - <Group Name> and confirm if you want to hold your place or request a refund.

Entries are now open for ‘Forward 2025’, Cambridge University Scouts and Guides Club (CUSAGC)’s annual day incident hike for members of Scouts and Guides aged 10 and over (that includes leaders!).

This year’s event is taking place in Great Eversden near Cambridge.

The challenge is for teams of 4-6 to gain points by visiting as many checkpoints as possible in 7 hours, over a distance of between 10 - 16 miles.

Teams are given grid references for the checkpoints and must choose their own route, starting and finishing at Eversden Village Hall. The majority of checkpoints are unmanned, but teams can gain more point at manned checkpoints where there are further challenges to complete.

Separate trophies for Girlguiding and Scouting teams are up for grabs!

Entry fee: £20 per team (includes hot drinks at the halfway base and hot snacks and drink at the end of the day, as well as covering the other running costs of the event).

Blanket badges can be purchased at an additional cost of £2 each. These can be paid for at the same time as the team entry fee.

Download your entry form below.

For any team that would like to enter and did not enter for the initial date, please complete the entry form and send it to [email protected] with the subject line ‘FORWARD 2025 - <Group Name>. Please note the dates within the form are no longer correct, however the location and approximate timings still are.

Entries are first come, first served and places are limited. Confirmation and final details will be sent out shortly after entries close.

The entry pack contains further information about the event, FAQs, entry form, letter to parents, health/contact form, kit list and event rules.

Leaders who are not taking part, but would like to help out can get in touch on [email protected] to volunteer.

Find out more about this event on the CUSAGC website:

Entry form

About Girlguiding Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire is a wonderful guiding County of over 9,000 members. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, and volunteers who enable every young member to develop their potential and be their best.